Our Services

“Welcome to Superior Solar, where we pride ourselves on being helpful and transparent. Our promise is to be customer focused and professional.”

Solar PV

Solar PV

Having solar panels installed gives you the ability to produce your own energy that will lower the cost of your utility bills, increase the value of property, all while reducing your carbon footprint of which will benefit the future of our planet.

Solar panels are made with semiconductor materials, which have been treated to create an electric field. When sunlight hits the solar panel, the energy from the sunlight is absorbed by these materials, which causes the electrons to move and generate an electric current. It’s this current that then fuels your home, business, and other buildings.

Solar PV

Battery Storage

Battery Storage

Integrating a battery means that the energy you’ve converted can be used throughout the year. It allows you to take advantage of 100% of the energy you produce.

We would be happy to discuss with you how best to set up your system so that you can maximise the most from your green energy.

Solar Battery

Electric Vehicle Charging

Electric Vehicle Charging

Would you like to be able to drive your electric car on energy converted from your solar panels?

Once your charging point is connected, any surplus energy will be diverted to your car. You can manage this via your app, which we will assist you with during the initial set up process.

Electrive Vehicle Charging